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Project Case Studies
The best way to get to know us is by taking a tour of the systems we've developed over the years.
Here is a small sample of some of our Automated Test Systems, Embedded Control Systems, Machine Vision Systems, and Manufacturing Automation Systems.
Project Case Studies by Application Area
Automated Test
Machine Vision
Industrial Automation
Real-Time & Embedded
All Project Case Studies

Precision Controls Solution Advances Global Health
Pharma machine builder collaborated with Cyth Systems to deliver equipment for vaccine production, outperforming product quality and cost of

Controlling a Stepper Motor Using the RIO Platform and LabVIEW
Stepper motors are widely used in applications requiring precise control of position and speed, such as robotics, CNC machines, and...

E-Bike Battery Testing and Validation Using BatteryFlex
E-Bike Battery Testing and Validation is performed using the BatteryFlex platform. The Challenge A Southern California E-Bike (Electronic...

Test and Analysis of Portable Ventilator Battery - BatteryFlex
BatteryFlex platforms battery tests and analysis of portable ventilator batteries. The Challenge A healthcare provider and manufacturer...

Reduce Milk Spoilage in India using Single-Board RIO and LabVIEW Real-Time
*As Featured on Original Authors: Sorin Grama, Promethean Power Systems, USA Edited by Cyth Systems The Challenge Every day, dairy...

Modular Control of MRI Robot Using CompactRIO and LabVIEW Real-Time
*As Featured on Original Authors: Paulo Carvalho, Worcester Polytechnic Institute Edited by Cyth Systems The Challenge By...

Teaching Undergraduate Power Electronics Control with CompactRIO
*As Featured on Original Authors: Mats Alaküla, Lund Univerisity Edited by Cyth Systems The Challenge Teaching undergraduate...

Control System for Ocean Remote Explorer using Single-Board RIO and LabVIEW
Developing the Control System of an Ocean Exploration Rover Since 1960 Remotely Operated Vehicles (ROVs) have played a crucial role in...

Syringe Lubricant Sprayer and Inspection with Single-Board RIO, Circaflex, and LabVIEW Real-Time
The Challenge A medical validation company approached us requiring an upgrade to a system that inspects the silicon lubricant utilized in...

Human Lung Simulator Instrument using LabVIEW, Single-Board RIO, and Circaflex
Creating lung simulators by harnessing the latest technology to create devices for medical training & critical care education.
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